Some wise colleagues of mine came up with this incisive and direct summation of how the government and its culpable accomplices in the regime media have been actively working to undermine the American people over decades. It is based on the KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid). It is called the 5 Ds.
1) Keep Them Dumb – government purposely dumbing down the population through public “education”. — a dumb population is easy to control.
2) Keep Them Drugged – government lifting anti-drug laws (both legal and illegal) in order to work towards drugging a population. A drugged population is easy to control.
3) Keep Them Dependent – government doing it’s level best to get that hypodermic needle of dependency into the arms of the population. And not just individuals on welfare but businesses as well. A dependent population is easy to control.
4) Keep Them Disarmed – it goes without saying that a population without ready access to a means to fight tyranny are easier to control.
5) Destroy the Family – take out dads and you destroy the family. Government has fostered race warfare and division as a means to keep the population pitted against itself.
6:43 pm on July 15, 2022